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Email Integrations

Receive the automated summary and screening templates directly to your email in under 30 seconds

Automate Workflows

Automate your entire process of collecting notes and summarising them 

30 Minute Interview Summary in under 30 Seconds.

Start or Stop manually. Recruiters save 30% of their time per telephone screen and interview on average. That 14 hours per recruiter per week. 

Fast Integration with Email.

Upon completion of the interview and telephone screening, your summarized notes will be automatically emailed to you.

Powerful Integrated Features

Benefit from the following automated features completed in under 30 seconds, such as Duplicate Speaker Detection, Automatic Punctuation, Auto Summarisation, Paragraph Formatting, and Custom Language Detection.

Avoid the time-consuming task of writing notes

Rapid and Accurate Transcription in Seconds

Clarify Me leverages advanced backend technology to maintain a competitive edge

Stay up to date with compliance factors
Transcriptions are automatically emailed to you for convenient uploading
Never miss a detail with our clarity-enhancing feature

Diverse Industry Solutions

Designed for finance, technology, business, procurement, and IT candidates universally

Powerful Tool

Efficient, user-friendly tool for streamlined organisational change

Supported Platforms

Instantly transcribe interviews, screenings across Google Meet, MS Teams, Zoom, and other supported platforms with our custom template features.

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Let’s read user reviews

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